Gilbert M. Anderson

The Tomboy on Bar Z

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Dad

1914 Кино

The Doctor's Duty

1913 Кино

Ingomar of the Hills

1915 Кино

Pals of the Range

1910 Кино

A Westerner's Way

1910 Кино

The Silent Message

1910 Кино

The Marked Trail

1910 Кино

The Little Prospector

1910 Кино

Trail to the West

1910 Кино

A Gambler of the West

1910 Кино

The Mexican's Faith

1910 Кино

Hubby's Scheme

1911 Кино

The Border Ranger

1911 Кино

A Child of the West

1912 Кино

The Baseball Fan

1908 Кино

Western Justice

1907 Кино

The Bandit Makes Good

1908 Кино

Tag Day

1909 Кино

The Road Agents

1909 Кино


1909 Кино

The Sheepman's Escape

1912 Кино

The Indian Trailer

1909 Кино

The Spanish Girl

1909 Кино

His Reformation

1909 Кино

The Best Man Wins

1909 Кино

The Black Sheep

1909 Кино

A Tale of the West

1909 Кино

The Heart of a Cowboy

1909 Кино

The Ranchman's Rival

1909 Кино

A Mexican's Gratitude

1909 Кино


1909 Кино

The Two Reformations

1911 Кино

Broncho Billy's Bible

1912 Кино

Across the Plains

1911 Кино

The Sheriff's Chum

1911 Кино

What a Woman Can Do

1911 Кино

Forgiven in Death

1911 Кино

The Lucky Card

1911 Кино

The Tribe's Penalty

1911 Кино

At the Break of Dawn

1911 Кино

A Western Maid

1910 Кино

Electric Insoles

1910 Кино

Won by a Hold-Up

1910 Кино

Western Chivalry

1910 Кино

Broncho Billy Reforms

1913 Кино

The Bounty Killer

1965 Кино

Method in His Madness

1910 Кино

The Faithful Indian

1911 Кино

A Ranchman's Wooing

1910 Кино

The Ranger's Bride

1910 Кино

The Mistaken Bandit

1910 Кино

A Vein of Gold

1910 Кино

The Cowpuncher's Ward

1910 Кино

Away Out West

1910 Кино

The Bandit's Child

1912 Кино

An Arizona Escapade

1912 Кино

A Road Agent's Love

1912 Кино

Under Mexican Skies

1912 Кино

The Greater Duty

1922 Кино

Red Blood and Yellow

1919 Кино

The Two Fugitives

1911 Кино

The Outlaw Samaritan

1911 Кино

A Pal's Oath

1911 Кино

The Puncher's Law

1911 Кино

An Indian's Sacrifice

1911 Кино

The Power of Good

1911 Кино

Town Hall, Tonight

1911 Кино

A Western Redemption

1911 Кино

The Forester's Plea

1911 Кино

The Bandit's Wife

1910 Кино

The Ranchman's Feud

1910 Кино

The Forest Ranger

1910 Кино

The Desperado

1910 Кино

Under Western Skies

1910 Кино

The Unknown Claim

1910 Кино

Trailed to the Hills

1910 Кино

The Girl on Triple X

1910 Кино

The Deputy's Love

1910 Кино

An Indian Girl's Love

1910 Кино

He Met the Champion

1910 Кино

The Bearded Bandit

1910 Кино

On El Monte Ranch

1912 Кино

The Dead Man's Claim

1912 Кино

A Western Legacy

1912 Кино

The Desert Sweetheart

1912 Кино

Western Hearts

1912 Кино

Outwitting Papa

1911 Кино

The Outlaw Deputy

1911 Кино

The Girl Back East

1911 Кино

The Foreman's Cousin

1912 Кино

On the Cactus Trail

1912 Кино

A Story of Montana

1912 Кино

A Moonshiner's Heart

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Pal

1912 Кино

An Indian Sunbeam

1912 Кино

The Ranchman's Trust

1912 Кино

Western Girls

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Ward

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Heart

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Way

1913 Кино

The Crazy Prospector

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Grit

1913 Кино

The Ranch Feud

1913 Кино

The Man in the Cabin

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Oath

1913 Кино

The Struggle

1913 Кино

The Redeemed Claim

1913 Кино

His Regeneration

1915 Кино

The Wheels of Safety

1913 Кино

The Three Gamblers

1913 Кино

A Night on the Road

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy Trapped

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Leap

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Duty

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy, Outlaw

1914 Кино

The Tie That Binds

1915 Кино

The Other Girl

1915 Кино

The Revenue Agent

1915 Кино

The Tell-Tale Hand

1914 Кино

The Squatter's Gal

1914 Кино

The Western Way

1915 Кино

His Wife's Secret

1915 Кино

Her Realization

1915 Кино

The Bachelor's Baby

1915 Кино

The Little Prospector

1915 Кино

Her Return

1915 Кино

An Unexpected Romance

1915 Кино

The Convict's Threat

1915 Кино

Broncho Billy Misled

1915 Кино

Suppressed Evidence

1915 Кино

Wine, Women and Song

1915 Кино

Too Much Turkey

1915 Кино

Her Lesson

1916 Кино

A Christmas Revenge

1915 Кино

The Man in Him

1916 Кино


1917 Кино

Stars of Yesterday

1931 Кино

Life with Henry

1941 Кино

Smash His Camera

2010 Кино

The Good-for-Nothing

1914 Кино

The Son-of-a-Gun

1919 Кино

A Wife of the Hills

1912 Кино

The Cowboy Coward

1911 Кино

The Train Wreckers

1905 Кино

The Film Parade

1933 Кино

The Movies March On

1939 Кино

The Bandit King

1907 Кино

Shootin' Mad

1918 Кино

The Haunted Lounge

1909 Кино

His Regeneration

1915 Кино

His Regeneration

1915 Кино

The Bandit King

1907 Кино

The Pest

1922 Кино

His Regeneration

1915 Кино

The Pest

1922 Кино

The Good-for-Nothing

1914 Кино

Alkali Ike's Auto

1911 Кино

Mr. Flip

1909 Кино

The Neighbors' Kids

1909 Кино

His First Ride

1907 Кино

The Son-of-a-Gun

1919 Кино

Shootin' Mad

1918 Кино

Shootin' Mad

1918 Кино

The Dancing Nig

1907 Кино

Alkali Ike's Auto

1911 Кино

The Tomboy on Bar Z

1912 Кино

Ingomar of the Hills

1915 Кино

Broncho Billy's Dad

1914 Кино

The Doctor's Duty

1913 Кино

The Soilers

1923 Кино

Mud and Sand

1922 Кино

The Road Agents

1909 Кино

Western Justice

1907 Кино


1909 Кино

The Baseball Fan

1908 Кино

The Bandit Makes Good

1908 Кино


1909 Кино

The Baseball Fan

1908 Кино

The Road Agents

1909 Кино

Tag Day

1909 Кино


1909 Кино

His Reformation

1909 Кино

A Tale of the West

1909 Кино

The Spanish Girl

1909 Кино

A Mexican's Gratitude

1909 Кино

The Black Sheep

1909 Кино

A Tale of the West

1909 Кино

The Heart of a Cowboy

1909 Кино


1909 Кино

The Ranchman's Rival

1909 Кино

The Ranchman's Rival

1909 Кино

His Reformation

1909 Кино

The Spanish Girl

1909 Кино

The Black Sheep

1909 Кино

The Best Man Wins

1909 Кино

The Indian Trailer

1909 Кино

The Indian Trailer

1909 Кино

The Heart of a Cowboy

1909 Кино

The Best Man Wins

1909 Кино

A Western Maid

1910 Кино

A Western Maid

1910 Кино

Won by a Hold-Up

1910 Кино

Electric Insoles

1910 Кино

Western Chivalry

1910 Кино

Alkali Ike's Pants

1912 Кино

Western Chivalry

1910 Кино

The Son-of-a-Gun

1919 Кино

Alkali Ike's Pants

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy Reforms

1913 Кино

The Ranger's Bride

1910 Кино

Method in His Madness

1910 Кино

The Mistaken Bandit

1910 Кино

The Faithful Indian

1911 Кино

The Faithful Indian

1911 Кино

A Vein of Gold

1910 Кино

A Ranchman's Wooing

1910 Кино

A Vein of Gold

1910 Кино

The Ranger's Bride

1910 Кино

The Mistaken Bandit

1910 Кино

The Cowpuncher's Ward

1910 Кино

Away Out West

1910 Кино

Away Out West

1910 Кино

The Cowpuncher's Ward

1910 Кино

The Ranchman's Feud

1910 Кино

The Ranchman's Feud

1910 Кино

The Forest Ranger

1910 Кино

The Unknown Claim

1910 Кино

Trailed to the Hills

1910 Кино

The Bandit's Wife

1910 Кино

The Forest Ranger

1910 Кино

The Unknown Claim

1910 Кино

The Bandit's Wife

1910 Кино

The Desperado

1910 Кино

The Desperado

1910 Кино

Under Western Skies

1910 Кино

The Girl on Triple X

1910 Кино

Under Western Skies

1910 Кино

The Girl on Triple X

1910 Кино

The Deputy's Love

1910 Кино

An Indian Girl's Love

1910 Кино

A Dog on Business

1910 Кино

A Close Shave

1910 Кино

An Indian Girl's Love

1910 Кино

A Flirty Affliction

1910 Кино

He Met the Champion

1910 Кино

The Bearded Bandit

1910 Кино

The Bearded Bandit

1910 Кино

Curing a Masher

1910 Кино

Pals of the Range

1910 Кино

A Westerner's Way

1910 Кино

The Marked Trail

1910 Кино

The Silent Message

1910 Кино

A Westerner's Way

1910 Кино

Pals of the Range

1910 Кино

The Marked Trail

1910 Кино

The Silent Message

1910 Кино

The Masquerade Cop

1910 Кино

The Little Prospector

1910 Кино

The Little Prospector

1910 Кино

A Western Woman's Way

1910 Кино

A Western Woman's Way

1910 Кино

Trail to the West

1910 Кино

Trail to the West

1910 Кино

A Gambler of the West

1910 Кино

A Gambler of the West

1910 Кино

The Mexican's Faith

1910 Кино

The Border Ranger

1911 Кино

The Border Ranger

1911 Кино

The Mexican's Faith

1910 Кино

The Sheepman's Escape

1912 Кино

The Biter Bitten

1912 Кино

The Two Reformations

1911 Кино

Broncho Billy's Bible

1912 Кино

The Two Reformations

1911 Кино

Broncho Billy's Bible

1912 Кино

A Western Kimona

1912 Кино

A Western Kimona

1912 Кино

A Western Kimona

1912 Кино

Across the Plains

1911 Кино

The Sheriff's Chum

1911 Кино

Across the Plains

1911 Кино

What a Woman Can Do

1911 Кино

Forgiven in Death

1911 Кино

The Lucky Card

1911 Кино

The Tribe's Penalty

1911 Кино

The Lucky Card

1911 Кино

The Tribe's Penalty

1911 Кино

What a Woman Can Do

1911 Кино

Forgiven in Death

1911 Кино

The Sheriff's Chum

1911 Кино

The Hidden Mine

1911 Кино

The Hidden Mine

1911 Кино

At the Break of Dawn

1911 Кино

A Hungry Pair

1911 Кино

At the Break of Dawn

1911 Кино

Broncho Billy's Way

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Way

1913 Кино

The Crazy Prospector

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Way

1913 Кино

The Ranch Feud

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Grit

1913 Кино

The Redeemed Claim

1913 Кино

The Struggle

1913 Кино

The Man in the Cabin

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Oath

1913 Кино

The Three Gamblers

1913 Кино

An Arizona Escapade

1912 Кино

The Wheels of Safety

1913 Кино

A Road Agent's Love

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Oath

1913 Кино

The Three Gamblers

1913 Кино

The Bandit's Child

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Oath

1913 Кино

Under Mexican Skies

1912 Кино

The Three Gamblers

1913 Кино

The Greater Duty

1922 Кино

Red Blood and Yellow

1919 Кино

Red Blood and Yellow

1919 Кино

The Two Fugitives

1911 Кино

The Son-of-a-Gun

1919 Кино

The Outlaw Samaritan

1911 Кино

The Two Fugitives

1911 Кино

A Pal's Oath

1911 Кино

The Outlaw Samaritan

1911 Кино

A Pal's Oath

1911 Кино

The Two Fugitives

1911 Кино

The Outlaw Samaritan

1911 Кино

A Pal's Oath

1911 Кино

Sophie's New Foreman

1913 Кино

Sophie's New Foreman

1913 Кино

Sophie's New Foreman

1913 Кино

The Puncher's Law

1911 Кино

An Indian's Sacrifice

1911 Кино

The Puncher's Law

1911 Кино

An Indian's Sacrifice

1911 Кино

An Indian's Sacrifice

1911 Кино

The Power of Good

1911 Кино

The Power of Good

1911 Кино

Town Hall, Tonight

1911 Кино

A Western Redemption

1911 Кино

A Western Redemption

1911 Кино

A Western Redemption

1911 Кино

The Forester's Plea

1911 Кино

The Forester's Plea

1911 Кино

The Forester's Plea

1911 Кино

The Tell-Tale Hand

1914 Кино

His Wife's Secret

1915 Кино

The Western Way

1915 Кино

The Dead Man's Claim

1912 Кино

Alkali Ike's Bride

1912 Кино

On El Monte Ranch

1912 Кино

A Western Legacy

1912 Кино

The Desert Sweetheart

1912 Кино

Western Hearts

1912 Кино

The Foreman's Cousin

1912 Кино

A Story of Montana

1912 Кино

On the Cactus Trail

1912 Кино

A Moonshiner's Heart

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Pal

1912 Кино

The Outlaw Deputy

1911 Кино

The Outlaw Deputy

1911 Кино

Outwitting Papa

1911 Кино

The Outlaw Deputy

1911 Кино

The Girl Back East

1911 Кино

The Girl Back East

1911 Кино

The Girl Back East

1911 Кино

Broncho Billy's Leap

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Leap

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Leap

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Duty

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Duty

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Duty

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy, Outlaw

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy, Outlaw

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy, Outlaw

1914 Кино

An Indian Sunbeam

1912 Кино

The Ranchman's Trust

1912 Кино

Alkali Ike Stung!

1912 Кино

Alkali Ike Stung!

1912 Кино

Alkali Ike Stung!

1912 Кино

Hubby's Scheme

1911 Кино

The Cowboy Coward

1911 Кино

The Cowboy Coward

1911 Кино

The Tie That Binds

1915 Кино

A Child of the West

1912 Кино

The Tie That Binds

1915 Кино

The Other Girl

1915 Кино

The Squatter's Gal

1914 Кино

The Revenue Agent

1915 Кино


1915 Кино

Broncho Billy's Heart

1912 Кино

Western Girls

1912 Кино

Western Girls

1912 Кино

Broncho Billy's Heart

1912 Кино

The Bachelor's Baby

1915 Кино

The Little Prospector

1915 Кино

Her Realization

1915 Кино

Western Girls

1912 Кино

Her Return

1915 Кино

An Unexpected Romance

1915 Кино

The Convict's Threat

1915 Кино

Broncho Billy Misled

1915 Кино

Suppressed Evidence

1915 Кино

Wine, Women and Song

1915 Кино

Broncho Billy Trapped

1914 Кино

Broncho Billy's Ward

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Ward

1913 Кино

Broncho Billy's Ward

1913 Кино

Too Much Turkey

1915 Кино

Her Lesson

1916 Кино

A Christmas Revenge

1915 Кино


1917 Кино


1917 Кино

The Man in Him

1916 Кино


1917 Кино


1922 Кино

Vera, the Medium

1917 Кино

A Wife of the Hills

1912 Кино

The Cowboy Coward

1911 Кино

The Girl from Montana

1907 Кино

The Escape of the Ape

1908 Кино

The Tomboy on Bar Z

1912 Кино

The Weak-End Party

1922 Кино

The Lucky Dog

1921 Кино

The Weak-End Party

1922 Кино

The Egg

1922 Кино

The Handy Man

1923 Кино